A Collection of Experimental Prose Poems By
Kristina Awadallah
Part of the Author’s Choice Poetry Chapbook Series
56 pages, $9 cover price
Release date: March 15, 2016
Kristina has a Bachelor of Art’s degree from the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. Working full time as a designer and exploring her writing in her spare time has kept her work unique and witty. Creating art both graphically and with the written word have always been part of Kristina’s life and will continue to be indefinitely. Kristina lives in Waukesha, WI, near her parents, siblings and extended family. Along with art and creativity, family is a constant in her life.
Recommended for publication by Kathie Giorgio:
Unique. Whackadoodle different. Inappropriate. Funny. Irreverent. And ultimately…horrifying.
The premise: Awadallah visited the CraigsList site for a city in every state, and she dove into that city’s Missed Connections section. She took the headline and opening lines of ads and then continued them, creating a revealing cross-section of life in these (depraved) United States.
What starts out as funny gradually sinks into horror as you realize there is no hiding from the strange minds walking the sidewalks of our society. The woman in Missed Connections in Wisconsin? Could be teaching your child. The man in Missed Connections in Utah? Could be preaching to you in church.
You will laugh. And then you’ll wonder. Awadallah shows a full representation of the people we pass every day. They go to work, come on home, flip on the computer, and head to CraigsList.
thick blond city hall — m4w — 22 (northport)
you was behind me with ur mom and son or brother not sure u was very cute and thick you renewed your license you was excited bc there now turned side ways your cute and if you see this email me if you wanna meet some one new and thick like you with a license turned side ways i get just excited about it being side ways as you do bc ur cute side ways and front ways two bc when u was bendin over i saw dem nice boobs not really wanting kids now was that your son or brother drinking from your big boobies
dollar store in tinsel town — m4w (chico)
it was pretty late yesterday evening. probably 8 or 9 and I walked passed you a few times. not on purpose but you were wearing a black shirt and you were short and sexy and I would love to get to know you better on purpose. not to many short ladies wear black around here so you should know who you are. the third time i passed you i thought your shirt might be navy but after the passing you 10 times i was sure it was black. when i saw you shopping in the dollar black shirt section i was positive it was black. i think that was one of the times you caught me looking at you. you had a surprised, scared, happy look on your face. well you know where to find me. i work almost every day, except when i don’t, at the dollar make you hollar store.
Butt bandito? — w4m (Elk point)
I met you and a couple of friends some time ago and I used to see you around town every so often and was going to approach you next time I saw you but haven’t seen you. Did you move? Your friend told me you go by butt bandito. I can’t find you on fb, turns out there are many butt banditos out there, but none of them are you. You had a friend with you called beefy burrito, but I can’t find him either. Oh, and Long John is impossible to find. I really enjoyed the deep conversations we had butt. Hope you find this, id really like to be your sexy salsa chimichanga.
TARAS port jeff — m4w
I know the chances are slim BUT I cant live with myself if I don’t try this……your kindness and your raspy voice were slightly overshadowed by your beauty!!! Just slightly. You smell like a goddam pack of cigarettes and your voice echoes every puff of smoke you have taken and it is so damn sexy. Especially when you cough for 20 minutes straight, clear your throat and spit. Baby you are like a diesel fuel pickup truck, loud, rusty around the edges, but beautiful. You are one heck of a lady, no how to charm the pants off of a fella. Can I buy you a drink some time?