American Seasons / Mark Brazaitis


American Seasons

a novel by

Mark Brazaitis

ISBN: 978-1-964277-05-9,  228 pages, $18.95 (+ shipping)

Release Date: July 23, 2024

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Synopsis:  American Seasons 

The early 1960s. A small college. An ambitious basketball coach. His young, idealistic, beautiful wife. Two star-players, one black, one white. The sports editor who hopes to chronicle a championship season. All goes well…until it doesn’t. Past secrets and present tensions threaten to upend the team’s magical season—and explode the lives of everyone connected with it. Are the Songbirds of Sheridan College, like the United States, about to leave Camelot and head into dark and tumultuous times? Or will they overcome grim adversity and triumph?

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