
Because I Didn’t Drown / Pat Riviere-Seel

Original price was: $19.95.Current price is: $12.00.

Because I Didn’t Drown

poems & essays by

Pat Riviere-Seel

~200 pages, $19.95 (+ shipping)

Projected Release Date: June/July 2025

An Advance Sale Discount price of $12 (+ shipping) is available HERE prior to press time. This price is not available anywhere else or by check. The check price is $17/book (which includes shipping & sales tax) and should be sent to: Main Street Rag, 12180 Skyview Drive, Edinboro, PA 16412. 

PLEASE NOTE: Ordering in advance of the release date entitles the buyer to a discount. It does not mean the book will ship before the date posted above and the price only applies to copies ordered through the Main Street Rag Online Bookstore.


About this book…

I dwell in possibility—Emily Dickinson

My life has always been a balancing act, a lot like crossing a river by stepping on rocks, moving from one to the next without falling. The trick is to keep moving. Too often I’ve tried to steady myself on one rock before moving on to the next. I’ve found some balance, but more importantly, I learned to swim by slipping and tumbling into the water.

If I were to choose only one word to describe my life, it would be resilience. I didn’t drown. I found possibilities.

As I began to reflect on how the Covid Pandemic had changed me, how I had changed, and what was important to me, I found myself writing both prose and poetry. Writing in both genres, and pairing poems with prose, I discovered a balance of possibilities.

 These stepping stones into my life are a few of my stories.

 Now they are your stories.

  —Pat Riviere-Seel



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