The Main Street Rag, Fall 2000


“Literarily for the People!”

Feature: The West Chester Poetry Conference

by Kevin Bezner

Fiction by Ron Bousquet, Nancy Lammrs, David Post, M. Scott Douglass and Bill Wesse

Reviews by Kevin Bezner and M. Scott Douglass of the following work:

Take My Word for it by Nina Cassian, Evening by Kate Northrup, Into The Ruins by Frederick Glaysher, Valley by Mary Kratt, Breaking the Captives’ Fetters by Laurie Mazzaferro.

Poetry by Katherine W. Barr, Beth Ann Cagle, Charlie Clark, Joanne Clark, Claudette Cohen, Peter Conners, Ralph Earle, Livio Farallo, Tammy Frailly, Ran Huntsberry, David James, Joan Payne Kincaid, Barbara Meetze Long, Patrick Longe, Kenn Mitchell, Tiffany Dean Parker, Robert Penick, Simon Perchik, David Poston, Joseph E. Sample, Hope Schene, Diana Smith, Douglas Spangle, Christine Telfer, C. Pleasents York

Cover Design by Kara Revel.

Images by M. Scott Douglass and Ron Bousquet, photographs by Kevin Bezner.

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