Anthony Bukoski: The Land of Graves & Crosses
by David Bowen
Daryle Ryce: Timeless
by M. Scott Douglass
Fiction by Scott Yarbrough and Pat MacEnulty.
Reviews by George Held, Todd Hester, Frank Palmisano, III, and Rich Ristow of the following work:
The Mutable Wheel by Okla Elliott and Brian Zegeer, Goodnight Architecture by Gretchen Mattox, Lives of Water by John Hoppenthaler, New Century North American Poets edited by Joyhn Carmon, Donna Biffar and Wayne Lanter, Back to Choices by John Kennedy.
Poetry by Anthony Abbott, Paul Benton, Daniel Brenner, Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal, David Chorlton, Joyce Cochran, Michael Estabrook, Nancy Kenney Connolly, Brett K. Eastman, Doug Fritock, Cheryl Gatling, Giles Goodland, Carol Hamilton, George Held , Clark Karoses, Michel Steven Krug, Bruce Lader, Lyn Lifshin, John Newlin, David T. Manning, Richard Pearce, Tom Quinn, Jonathan K. Rice, Pat Riviere-Seel, Melinda Thomsen, Linda K. Sienkiewicz, John Sweet, Richard Taylor, Daniel Tricarico, Richard Vargas, Gerald R. Wheeler, A.D. Winans, Bill Griffin, William Woodruff, Paul Worley.
Cover Art: Human Vase by Regina Guerrero.
Paintings by Antoine de Villiers
Photographs by Cheryl Townsend, Gerald Wheeler, A.D. Winans, .