The Main Street Rag, Spring 2017


Featured Interview:

Making Time: An Interview with Author Angela Belcher-Epps
by Beth Browne

Creative Nonfiction by

Christian Jewell

Fiction by

Angela Belcher-Epps, Colin Hickey, Frederick Fullerton, Katelyn Laird, Nancy Lammers, Robert Watts Lamon

Poetry by

Steve Abbott, John Amen, Joan Colby, Richard Dinges, Jr., Karen Douglass, Juan Pablo Duboue, Patrick Theron Erickson, Kathie Giorgio, Carol Hamilton, Justin Hyde, Len Krisak, Clara Link, Gary Metras, Stephen C. Middleton, Paul Nelson, Spencer Smith, Matthew J. Spireng, Kevin Sweeney, Charles Harper Webb, Marilyn Zelke-Windau, Jim Zola

Books Reviewed

Life in the Holocene Extinction by Kristin Berkey-Abbott, Knitting the Andy Warhol Bridge by Ann Curran, Do in Dour by William Aarnes, Flicker by Mary B. Moore, Hardlines: Rough South Poetry edited by Daniel Cross Turner and William Wright, Wins and Losses by Peter Makuck, Shift by Marylen Grigas, Sure Things & Last Chances by Lou Gaglia


Terresa Haskew, Mike James, Anne Kaylor, Richard Allen Taylor, Eric Weil, Evan Williams, Lisa Zerkle.

 Discount price available through May 31.

SKU: MSR Spring 2017 Category: