The Main Street Rag, Summer 2019


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Featured Interview:

INTERFACE: Beth Browne Interviews Poet,
Activist, Inmate, George T. Wilkerson


Fiction by

Aaron Buchanan, Terresa Cooper Haskew, Tony Hozeny, Alexandros Plasatis, Lynne Weiss

Poetry by

George T. Wilkerson, Teresa McLamb Blackmon, Janine Certo, Eric Chiles, Joan Colby, Philip Fried, Earl Carlton Huband, Cordelia M. Hanemann, Andrew Hamilton, David James, Jonathan B. Aibel, Mike James, Nancy Lammers, Sheree La Puma, George Longenecker, Peter Ludwin, Mary Makofske, Vickie Mandell-King, Steve McDonald, Richard Merelman, Florence Murry, Ellen Grace O’Brian, Stacia O’Connell, Brian J. Pilling, David E. Poston, Timothy Robbins, George J. Searles, Spencer Smith, Matthew J. Spireng, Dana Stamps, II., Kevin Sweeney, Barbara Tramonte, John Walser, James Washington, Jr.

Books Reviewed

There is a Field by Barbara Conrad, The Rebels and the Short Fiction by Richard Power, May Darkness Restore by Sean Sexton, Captive in the Here by Gary Metras, The Infinite Doctrine of Water by Michael T. Young, Green Target by Tina Barr


Luanne Castle, Jeanne Julian, Maria Rouphail, Richard Allen Taylor, Eric Weil


Cover photo by Jill Rausch, adapted by M. Scott Douglass, other photos M. Scott Douglass

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