What’s Inside (Table of Contents)
Cathy Smith Bowers, The Candle I Hold Up to See You
Interviewed by Heather Jane Collings
Robert Boisvert, Long Dead Lover
Interviewed by LaTasha R. Jones
“Plain of Reeds” by Gaynell Gavin
“Mysterious Ways” by Jennifer Anne Moses
“Tell Me, This” by Scott Temple
“The Cartography of Love” by Charles Israel
Justin Askins, Jene Erick Beardsley, Cathy Smith Bowers, Beth Cagle Burt, Llyn Clague, Thomas L. Conroy, Chuck Endsley, Chris Flowers, Carol Frith, Arun Gaur, Alex Grant, Gail Gray, Eric Greenwell, John Grochalski, Colleen Harris, Michelle Hartman, Richard Krohn, Chris Kursel, Lisa LaTourette, Lauren Lawrence, Ellaraine Lockie, Judy Longley, Sheila McGuinness, Gavin Post, Charles Rammelkamp, Margaret Rozga, Joanna Catherine Scott, Julia Simpson, Colette Tennant, Gerald Wheeler.
Books Reviewed:
Serena by Ron Rash, At the Axis of Imponderables by Neil Carpathios, Vale of Humility: Plain Folk in Contemporary North Carolina Fiction by George Hovis, Postmodern Bourgeois by David E. Poston, Most Likely You Go Your Way and I’ll Go Mine by Ben Tanzer, Ohio River Dialogues by William Zink, Thirst by Patrick Carrington, Ghost Alphabet by Al Maginnes, Cities of Flesh and the Dead by Diann Blakely.
Reviewed by:
by David-Matthew Barnes, Jessie Carty, Heather Jane Collings, Tony Gallaoway, Scott Owens, S. Craig Renfroe, Jr., Richard Allen Taylor, and Eric A. Weil.
Cover Art: Sascha Burkard, provided by iStockPhoto.com