What’s Inside (Table of Contents)
Feature: Photographer Tammy Ruggles
Interviewed by Beth Ann Cagle
Steven Coughlin, Terresa Haskew, Robert Parham
Diana Anhalt, Jan Ball, Sam Barbee, Joan E. Bauer, Roy Bentley, William Blackart, Joan Canby, Paula Brancato, Alan Clinton, Diana Cole, Maril Crabtree, Darren C. Demaree, Kenneth DiMaggio, Juan Pablo Duboue, Cleo Griffith, Burgundy Gardner, Paulette Guerin, Carol Hamilton, Ed McDonald, Cordelia M. Hanemann, Lyn Lifshin, Michelle Hartman, Roberta Hatcher, Erren Geraud Kelly, Robert Lee Kendrick, Richard W. Moyer, JB Mulligan, James B. Nicola, Andrea Potos, Jacob Riyeff, Russell Rawland, Cecil Sayre, Greg Schmult, Cathyrn Shea, Jane Simpson, Mary Soon Lee, J. Tarwood, Alice Toporoff Wallace, Larry Webb, Eric A. Weil, Arlene Weiner
Books Reviewed
Nobody Calls Me Darling Anymore by Dannye Romine Powell, The Doors You Mark Are Your Own by Okla Elliott and Raul Clement, Beauty Strip by William Kelley Woolfitt, Burning Time by Bob Strother, Fanny Says by Nickole Brown, Streaming by Allison Adelle Hedge Coke, Domestic Garden by John Hoppenthaler
Jen Connell, Susan Lefler, Richard Allen Taylor, Eric Weil, Lisa Zerkle.
Tammy Ruggles