d. ellis phelps’ work appears recently or is forthcoming in Texas Poetry Calendar2020; The Amethyst Review; The Enchantment of the Ordinary; The Larger Geometry; Poets & Dreamers; & Voices de La Luna. She is the author of what holds her, Making Room for George, a novel and of the blog formidableWoman. She was managing editor for the anthologies The Larger Geometry (2018) and Texas Hills: an anthology of place (2019).
She knows the slenderest of words, lines, contain song, they hold it. In her buoyant, graceful what holds her d. ellis phelps brings a measured, breath-bound, eye-paced voice that resonates. This book is filled with quicksilver moments and lasting revelations. When phelps surprises with an exclamation point, “put your ear to the earth! / even breath / is an echo” we are in Rumi’s wonder and regard, held in the hands of an ecstatic. ~Jim LaVilla-Havelin
D Ellis Phelps’ voice is quiet, but strong—haunting and near-haunted, yet peaceful in her knowing; a great Sufi sensibility guides these pieces, these word-songs, steeped in praise and the keen observation. Phelps is open to what unfolds in her world, as it unfolds—and wisdoms surface in these unfoldings. Here, she nurses the elucidations as they rise out of years of till-now-tucked-away-stories and life-learning. These poems float somewhere between dreams—and prayer. ~Marian Haddad