Winter Bride / Monica McAlpine


Winter Bride

poems by

Monica McAlpine

ISBN: 978-1-59948-892-9, ~84 pages, $15 (+ shipping)

Projected Release Date: November 16, 2021

An Advance Sale Discount price of $9.50 (+ shipping) is available HERE prior to press time. This price is not available anywhere else or by check. The check price is $13.50/book (which includes shipping) and should be sent to: Main Street Rag, PO BOX 690100, Charlotte, NC 28227-7001. 

PLEASE NOTE: Ordering in advance of the release date entitles the buyer to a discount. It does not mean the book will ship before the date posted above and the price only applies to copies ordered through the Main Street Rag Online Bookstore.

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